Legal Notice

This website and its domain name belong to the Consorci de les Vies Verdes de Girona (hereinafter, the Consortium), with tax number P1700047B and domiciled at Ronda de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 28 A, 1r, Girona (postcode 17002), telephone number 972 486 950 and email address


The information supplied through this website does not replace that kept in the Consortium’s electronic office or in the electronic office channels and platforms used by the Consortium, the only fully legally valid information.

The Consortium takes no responsibility for the content, accuracy and currency of information that comes from other people and is shown on the website or which is referred to via links or other systems.


The website and its contents, including texts, images, graphics, databases and any other material, are made publicly available for the purposes of information and to offer services within the framework of the Consortium’s own competences and functions. Some of these contents are subject to intellectual property rights pertaining to either the Consortium or third parties that have authorised their use in this medium.

In general terms, and unless explicitly stated otherwise in exceptional cases, the contents of this website may be reproduced, distributed and publicly revealed providing their source is specified. However, the contents may not be used for commercial purposes or to create derivative work, without the explicit authorisation of the Consortium.

These conditions govern the website contents protected by copyright and are summarised in the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) licence.

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The contents of this site are not to be presented in frames without the explicit written permission of the Consortium.


The Consortium processes personal data in the exercise of its competences and functions. There are forms on this website and at the electronic office of the Consortium that enable the Consortium to gather data. The forms include information about the purposes and most relevant features of this processing. This link leads to information about the Consortium’s data protection policy.


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The Consortium accepts no liability to users of its website for any damage or harm that might arise from interference, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, overloading of lines, faults or disconnections due to reasons beyond its control. Nor is it liable for any harm that might be caused by third persons through illegitimate intrusions beyond the control of the Consortium. Wherever possible it will warn in advance of any interruptions to the operation of the website and its services.
