Other services

Taxi Bikes Antoni Juanals

Alt Empordà Route

Baix Empordà Route

Carrilet II Route

Ferro i Carbó greenway

Carrilet I greenway

Vall de Camprodon Route

Vallespir - France Route

Taxi service from Sant Feliu de Guíxols to anywhere in the Baix Empordà region and from Llagostera to the Gironès region. The company offers a professional, reliable service that fits your every need.

NEW! Car for 6 passengers!


AddressSant Feliu de Guíxols / Llagostera
Ctra. Girona, 215, 1er / Plaça de Catalunya, CP. 17220 / 17240

Phone 699 365 253 / 972 822 422

Taxi Bikes Antoni Juanals Bike Tow

Below is a map where the point of service is located



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